Our asset management teams complete 100s of projects in a year, below are a few of our many highlights. Please note, that some names have changed to respect the privacy of our clients.

Sector: Government
Deal Type: Facility Assessments
# of Sites: 130
# of States: Detroit, MI
Services: Facility Condition Assessment
Energy Audit
BV provided facility condition assessments of various City maintained properties. The assessment included a thorough examination and lifecycle assessment of the buildings, property, and major systems including structural, building envelope, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, roofing, interior finishes, and ADA compliance.
BV completed a comprehensive reserve schedule to help in the budgeting and replacement of assets as needed over the next 20 years. The project prioritized capital improvement projects, repairs, replacements, and maintenance, in order to help the City prioritize needs over the next 3 to 5 years.
This project included fire stations, police stations, recreation centers, parks, museums, transportation, and municipal facilities.

Sector: Higher Education
Deal Type: Asset Management
# of Sites: 766
# of States: Tennessee
Services: Facility Condition Assessment
Asset Inventory
For each site, a team of professionally licensed architects and engineers will complete a comprehensive assessment, identifying and documenting Life Safety, Code Compliance and current facility condition deficiencies. For each deficiency identified, the team recommends corrections and provided cost estimates. Our team also provides a forecast of future facility renewal costs. The assessment determines what resources are necessary to maintain the operability, suitability, and value of the physical assets of the University. The BV team will provide an assessment report for each facility, including project location drawings and digital photographs of all deficiencies.
During the facility assessments, BVTA collects information on the major pieces of facility equipment. Specifically, the data collection focuses on collection make, model, manufacturer, and serial number for the following components:
Heating Systems
Ventilation Systems
Air Condition Systems
Building Automation Systems
Life / Safety
Vertical Transportation